Bisnu Sharma

Bisnu Sharma

Sunday, July 5, 2015

NEPAL do learn from GREECE crisis

Bisnu sharma 
Policy analyst Surya Raj acharya tweet that - ''The mantra of international finance system is that : profit for capitalist & risk for government. The statement of greece government is politically right because who take profit, he should face the prize of risk.'' He tweeted this right after emerging NO vote in Greece. After overwhelmingly vote for NO bailout, Greece might out from Eurozone. This issue shook the world, Especially Germany and Eurozone can face tough decision. Asian maket start to fallout. My statement is what Nepal can learn from Greece crisis ?


First, Greece is small country. The country makes up 0.3% of the global economy, and investors began avoiding the country after it first threatened to default on its debt about five years ago. Second, Greece owes its money to big institutions, not private banks. Private-sector exposure to Greek debt is much smaller than it was the last time Greece neared default, and analysts say that healthier European banks should help stabilize markets -- regardless of Greece's fate in the eurozone. 

I think Nepal & Greece's economy have many resemble in terms of  system, debt and situation. Upon the Greece crisis world power talbled the pre-condidtion and 63% Greece people rejected it. That is the question of sovereignty more than financial. So that Nepal should consider before take money from donor agency. Sovereignty must be first priority of national state. Nepal should seriously learn this great lesson.

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