Bisnu Sharma

Bisnu Sharma

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Photo feature - Prabal Gurung inspired by Everest ?

Bisnu Sharma

I always been inspired by design of  Prabal Gurung.  Not only his creation and artistic value,  He seems so nationalistic on his creation. This is the essence and beauty of him. That's why prefer him rather than any celebs of Nepal.

Similar to last season, Prabal Gurung was inspired again by Nepal and his heritage. To get the reference across, he developed fabrics with prints that mimicked the Himalayn mountain range, worked 3D rhododendrons prints (symbolic flowers in Nepal) as adornment on some of the pieces, and sheared and flattened ostrich feathers and sewed them with Swarovski crystals to represent topographical maps.

There were the ruffled dresses that Gurung likes to offer but the real standout pieces were the patchwork sweater knits that played with size, proportions and reveal. Worn over crepe multi-zip trekking pants, they were quite the hit.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

NY Times chasing Lomangthang ?

A local woman worked on a historic mural. Image : NY Times

It looks like that lomanthang , a tourist hub of upper Mustang, has been chasing by New York Times. This year only world's reputed newspaper has printed more than 6 times about Upper Mustang.  In pictures only it has crossed across 2 dozen stories.

Unfortunately, this news has not been given much importance by the Nepali news media. It has its own selfishness, compulsion and reasons. If only there is to be international news for Nepal, it will be for Lomanthang. Recently New York time has published about - how Tibetian culture has been painted and how it has been stolen.  To know on follow up of American newspaper one need to know about famous Khampa Operation between Mustang-China borders.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nepali cinema: Economy vs. Innovation

Bisnu Sharma

With the end of 2070, South Africa brings a thing, which is hard for to believe, but it’s a fact. According to The Economist, Nigeria became the richest country beating South Africa cause of its cinema development and technology.

Thanks to Nollywood, whose rapid development has increased the economy of the country to 89% over a single night. It has won over Bollywood in the context of annual film production rate. It occupies 1.4% of Nigerian G.D.P. It might be a dream for us but this position of Nigeria has been made possible all by today’s generation.

With dream, commitment, courage and system nothing is possible. We can see Nollywood, which made the Nigeria, the 22nd richest country in the world.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

देर आए, दुरुस्त आए !

Anupam Kher with me.

विष्णु शर्मा, ५ भदौ, २०७०

नेता शैलीमा नमस्कार गर्दै भित्र छिरे अनुपम ।

‘म अनुपम खेर । सबै नेपाली भाइ बहिनीहरुलाई नमस्कार गर्छु’ गत महिना नरेन्द्र मोदीले नेपाली संसदमा गरेको सम्बोधनकै झल्को दिने गरि अनुपम खेरले हिन्दी लवजमा नेपाली बोले । ताली गड्गडाहट भयो ।

अनि २५ वर्षपछि काठमाडौं आउनुको पत्र–पत्र खोल्न थाले, यस्तो लाग्थ्यो उनी प्याजको पत्र केलाउँदै छन् । शुक्रबार आर्मी अफिसर्सल क्लबमा मंचन हुने नाटक 'कुछ भी हो सक्ता हे'को पूर्वसन्ध्यामा अनुपम हामीसँग गफिँदै थिए ।

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Film Review | Mukhauta

Bisnu Sharma
Mine favorite French critics Jay Look Godard quotes- “A girl and a gun is sufficient to make a film.” Why do I need to borrow this quote is that there is a movie released in town titled “Mukhauta” which is all about a Girl and a Gun. It was not necessary to criticize “Mukhauta”, for which to search you need torchlight even during day time, but to those audience who are looking for films’ literacy, films’ grammar and films’ elegance when are force fully made fool, then I decided something must be written down.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

फिल्म वर्ष समीक्षा २०७० : इकोनोमी भर्सेस इनोभेसन

वर्ष २०७० को समाप्तीतिर दक्षिण अफ्रिकाबाट यस्तो खबर आयो, जुन सुन्दा धेरैलाई विश्वास लाग्दैन तर यो यथार्थ हो । द इकोनोमिस्टका अनुसार सिनेमा र प्रविधि विकासले नाइजेरिया दक्षिण अफ्रिकालाई उछिन्दै महादेशकै सर्वाधिक धनी देश बनेको छ । धन्यवाद –नलिउडलाई जसको तीव्रतर विकासले देशको अर्थतन्त्र एकरातमै ८९ प्रतिशत पुग्यो । वर्षिक सिनेमा उत्पादनको दरले नलिउडले बलिउडलाई पनि उछिनेको छ । नाइजेरियाली जीडीपीको १.४ प्रतिशत हिस्सा नलिउडले ओगेटेको छ । हाम्रा लागि यो सपना हुनसक्छ, तर नाइजेरियाको यो स्थिती आजकै मान्छेले बनाएका हुन् ।

Saturday, March 22, 2014

फिल्म समिक्षा | फिटकिरी

विष्णु शर्मा

बिल गेट्स भन्छन्, –‘जब व्यवस्था असफल हुन्छ तब, भाग्यको खेल सुरु हुन्छ ।’ म यहाँ फोब्र्स अर्बपतिको भनाई किन सापटी लिँदै छु भने २ घन्टा २० मिनेट लामो सिनेमा ‘फिटकिरी’ हेरेर म यही निष्कर्षमा पुगेको छु । सहरमा भाग्यको खेल सुरु भएको छ र त्यो भाग्यले उत्पादन गरेको ‘सफोकेसन’ काठमाडौंको यथार्थ बनेको छ । सहर यतिबेला ‘सफोकेसन’ बाँच्दैछ । अनुप बराल निर्देशित ‘फिटकिरी’ले सहरी विक्षिप्त मनोविज्ञानको कथा भन्छ । त्यो कथामा तीन रङ पोतिएका छन् –रातो, नीलो र हरियो ।

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

यस्तो छ मेरो ओस्कर प्रोडिक्सन

विष्णु शर्मा
आउँदो सोमबार बिहान विश्व फिल्मको सर्वाधिक ठूलो अवार्ड अस्कर वितरण हुँदैछ । लस एन्जल्सको उक्त समारोहको उल्टो गणना सुरु भैसकेको छ र सिंगो विश्वका लागि उक्त अवार्ड सेरेमोनी प्रतीक्षित बनेको छ ।

यो प्रेडिक्सन गर्नुअघि मैले सर्वोत्कृष्ट फिल्म विधामा मनोनित ६ वटा फिल्म हेरिसकेको छु । अन्य फिल्मको प्रेडिक्सन भने ती सिनेमाको प्रिभ्यू, विश्लेषण, अमेरिकी फरिन पोलिसी, बदलिएको विश्व फिल्म ट्रेन्डलाई आधार मानेको छु ।

Friday, February 21, 2014

फिल्म समिक्षा | झोले

विष्णु शर्मा
सहरको कोलाज हो ‘झोले’ । एक गाउँले युवक जसले हैसियतअनुसार सपनाको सीमारेखा कोरेको छ । एक यौनकर्मी युवती जोसँग प्रेम गर्ने मन पनि छ । एक भंगेरी डन जो आधुनिक सहरको एक अपराध आइकन हो र एक प्रहरी अफिसर जो पैसाका लागि पद साट्छ ।

म यहाँ सिनेमा ‘झोले’को व्याख्या गर्दैछु । एउटै समय भएर पनि फरक युग बाँचेको नेपाली समाजका तीन चरित्रको कथा हो ‘झोले’ । मनोदशा, सोच, सपना, बाध्यता, संघर्ष र द्धन्द्धको यथार्थ कोलाज । फिल्मका यी पात्रहरु तपाईंकै वरिपरि हुनसक्छन् । ठोकिनसक्छन् ।